[SOLVED]Need help in rapidshare premium IDM downloading

January 28th, 2020

Ok, it worked for 2 months, i followed the instructions and everything…
Yesterday, when i selected some links and right click – download with IDM, it doesn’t show rar files, only 2kb html files.
Also, when i copy/paste the link into the browser address window, the download starts normally… I have also checked “direct downloads” in premium options, doesn’t help.
any solutions?

Answer #1
Tried different links ?? The links might be dead that is why they are html files instead of .rar files…
Are your RS details in log in on IDM ???
Answer #2
Check your site logins tab in IDM – sometimes it is cleared out Other than that you could try re-integrating IDM with your browser
Answer #3
yes, no, and yes.
i tried like a hundred links, all turn out to be a html.
Answer #4
Check your site logins tab in IDM - sometimes it is cleared out Other than that you could try re-integrating IDM with your browser
just saw your post, tried that and it isn’t working. also tried with 2 different premium account logins, not working either…
Answer #5
Check your site logins tab in IDM - sometimes it is cleared out Other than that you could try re-integrating IDM with your browser
just saw your post, tried that and it isn't working. also tried with 2 different premium account logins, not working either...

Have you tried reinstalling both? It sounds like an integration problem to me – looks like the needed files are missing
Answer #6
Try re-installing IDM. Might solve the problem
Answer #7
i tried reinstalling, and the problem persists… wtf???
Answer #8
Time for a new downloader ??
Answer #9
Login to RapidShare Premium Zone through Internet Explorer and then try.
Answer #10
i kinda uninstalled my internet explorer…
i just remembered something… i’m using firefox 3 rc1, maybe that’s the problem? but i had it for about 2 weeks now and IDM was successfully integrated…
Answer #11
i kinda uninstalled my internet explorer...
i just remembered something... i'm using firefox 3 rc1, maybe that's the problem? but i had it for about 2 weeks now and IDM was successfully integrated...

Try this version of firefox…
Uninstall the one you have with your uninstaller
Answer #12
Did you try opening the .html files? Generally the error is displayed in them. (dead link, expired premium, bad login etc.)
Answer #13
The links you copied are dead and they have a .html after the .rar on the link you used.
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/555555555/This_is_a_dead_link.rar.htmlRemember to code your links. You may do this by doing:
[code]Your link goes in here.[/code]
Remember to code all links also.
Thanks - phoxtrot

Even if this link wasn’t dead, when you downloaded it it would still be an html file. All you have to do is delete that bit off the name to change it back to a .rar file. Since its dead, you’re just downloading the webpage instead of the actual file.
Answer #14
I understand it all, i tried every damn link in moviez section and it’s the same, so the links are working. regarding the html extension, i understand that too, but you cannot rename files in idm…
Answer #15
why not uninstall your idm and download another version from here and start clean from the beginning. i usually have the same problem only when the links are dead. i use idm and firefox too
Answer #16
ok, i reinstalled both firefox and idm and now it’s working, don’t know why idm couldn’t integrate into firefox though… Thanx for the support mates!
Answer #17
Have you tried opening the .html files yet? Until you do this, finding the error is just guesswork.
EDIT: Never mind, I just noticed that you already fixed it
Answer #18
this problem happens to me all the time .. I found out that rapidshare blocked my membership cuz IDM change the IP address every time you download a file .. you should delete all cookies then restart ur computer .. and try again .. it works ..
Answer #19
I have same problem like !!!!Please help us!!!!


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