[SOLVED] File metadata cleaner for videos / Images.

January 23rd, 2020

I am specifically looking for a software that can examine video file for hidden metadata…So for e.g i downloaded a video, the app will do some tests so their are no traces of author, no hidden virus etc…
Does such a software exist?

Answer #1
Yes there are options; however none of them are effective. For example, most downloaded paid videos from studios have built in code directly into the video stream. Soooo…. removing the metadata is like washing an elephant with a cotton-swab; takes forever and you’re really just wasting your time in a futile effort. Having said this,
You can edit metadata for a number of formats. Free, and can be made into a portable (install sandboxed and copy out the program directory).
Answer #2
Yes there are options; however none of them are effective. For example, most downloaded paid videos from studios have built in code directly into the video stream. Soooo.... removing the metadata is like washing an elephant with a cotton-swab; takes forever and you're really just wasting your time in a futile effort. Having said this,
You can edit metadata for a number of formats. Free, and can be made into a portable (install sandboxed and copy out the program directory).

Thanks for your suggestion, i will check it out


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