Solution to Fallout 3 Crashes!

July 31st, 2016

If you’re like me, you installed Fallout 3 only to have it crash every few minutes.
I searched on google for a solution, coming up with nothing. So I said, “Let’s try window mode! That might work.”
Sure enough, all you need to do is run the game in windowed mode.
This is achieved by clicking options on the launcher, NOT IN GAME, and selecting “Windowed” in the lower left corner.
Oh, another thing I discovered that causes problems:
FFDShadow Codec Pack.
If you have that installed, uninstall it.

Answer #1
Worked for me, i went back to fullscreen and now (12 hours of gametime later) it’s happening again.
Will try windowed mode
Answer #2
Thanks for the info bud. Ill be sure to keep this in mind if I ever play.
Answer #3
usually games crashing in full screen and not windowed means you have the game resolution set too high, your refresh rate is too high or low, or something else graphically is wrong.
Answer #4
Oh, another thing I discovered that causes problems:
FFDShadow Codec Pack.
If you have that installed, uninstall it.
Answer #5
Does FFDShadow Codec Pack comes with K-lite Codec Pack?
Answer #6
Yes, It does
Answer #7
Still crashes for me
Answer #8
K-lite Codec Pack Uninstalled – Still crashes!


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