Safe and secure browsing

January 22nd, 2020

hello how to do Safe and secure browsing from unknown persons laptop?
Actually I sending some e-currency from unknown laptops so any tips for make this deal? Chrome incognito window can avoid all history cookies or any keystroker maybe that person using please help

Answer #1
Generally speaking, Using someone else’s computer for logging into any kind of personal accounts is highly unrecommended.
But if you gotta do it, Then the only reliable way to dodge software-based keyloggers would be to use a Linux Live CD.
Answer #2
Generally speaking, Using someone else's computer for logging into any kind of personal accounts is highly unrecommended.
But if you gotta do it, Then the only reliable way to dodge software-based keyloggers would be to use a Linux Live CD.

well, Its a really scary deal for me but at the end its successful.


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