Routers and Internet Phones

January 27th, 2020

Basically I am moving into a persons place and his internet modem is upstairs, we cannot send wires downstairs. So I was wondering if there was a way for my router in the basement to connect to his modem wifi and then my internet phone that is plugged into my router would work without my computer running. Or does my router need a computer on to tell it to connect to that hot spot. New to alot of this. I have a brain injury so if I did not explain it well let me know and I will try again
Answer #1
Your router must have “bridge” ability to do this or support dd-wrt. It’s fairly easy afterwards, guide here:
Edit:If the signal of the primary router isn’t strong enough, you need a repeater or an amplifier also, more here:
Answer #2
ah no its one router here I will try again with my communication prob
1) 1 Modem upstairs (bell wireless modem) 2) I am downstairs and have a router and my internet phone modem that would just need to connect to my router 3) Wondering if my router could connect to the wireless bell modem signal without my pc having to be on “telling it to connect to that bell internet connection” 4) If my router can connect to the up stairs modem without my pc saying so then I am good. 5)Reason I am asking is because I did not move in yet and wondering if there is a special modem that can do this
Answer #3
What do you mean “wireless modem”? Like a cell phone service modem?
Answer #4
internet modem, the modem that brings internet to your house. Its a dsl modem. Basically that modem is the spot where all the internet originates. That is upstairs and I am downstairs. We cant drill holes just to simply bring down a network cord and plug it into my voip for my phone.
So since the main internet source upstairs also transmits a wireless internet signal I was wondering if I could use a wireless router downstairs to get the signal and then link a cord to my voip modem from the router.
I know you usually need a computer on to say “router conect to the wifi signal” but is there a way I can do that without having to have a computer on. Like can routers just connect to wifi signals automatically without being told. Maybe this time I explained? If not I will try once more. So sorry I appreciate this help
Answer #5
If it has wireless, the primary (your neighbour’s) modem is also a router, what I’ve posted at my first reply is valid.
Answer #6
so if I do that bridge technique then the router I bought will “repeat” the signal upstairs as if it is a modem pretty much (meaning I don’t need my pc connected to my router so that it will submit a signal from upstairs?) Sorry my damn brain issues makes some stuff hard to explain.Really appreciate ure patience
Answer #7
YOUR router will have HIS connection, you’ll both share bandwidth (his total connection speed) and external IP adress and he’s the only one who’ll get a bill from his ISP. You won’t have to purchase a package or anything else, is that what you want?
Answer #8
no no so sorry Just wondering if my downstairs router sends off the signal from upstairs without my pc having to be on. Like for example, can I connect my ipod to my wireless router instead of his upstairs connection.
Does my router send the upstairs signal without a pc having to be conected to it. What ive read is that I think so. I’d be doing it by bridging it wifi
So sorry for all this
Answer #9
The answer is yes..You can connect to your router trough WIFI anywhere within the range..Upstairs/Downstairs..Even in the garden..
Answer #10
please take few minutes to read before you try to explain yourself once again, because you did already and it’s clear.
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