Revive My Old Post !

January 30th, 2020

i made a topic about windows 7
the links were dead so its transferred to graveyard and here’s what’s written when it was transferred This topic contained dead links and was moved to Graveyard section. If you have fresh links for this topic, you must use the revive link to restore this topic to the original section. You can find the link above the first post in this topic. You may select the "PM me about dead links" option when you create or edit your topics to receive early notifications.
i tried to find revive link but i couldn’t find it i sent PM to him and didn’t receive any answer i sent another PM to another stuff member but also no answer
the post got more than 20,000 view so its better to revive it
than to make new one please help me and thanks in advance

Answer #1
if its there ,click on it.
if not then pm mod will solve problem
Answer #2
i sent PM to him and didn't receive any answer
Who exactly is him?
And there is no revive option for some weird reason…
Send me a PM and include the new links…
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