preffered custom xp os?

August 3rd, 2016

what is your favourite custom xp os?
Answer #1
If I had to choose I’d say that TinyXP is the way to go. Perhaps the Beast edition or Rev6. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
ye so many different editions out there today. thx for your input. anyone else got suggestions?
Answer #3
Answer #4
Depends on kind of task you want it to do. TinyXP/Beast for performance, gamers edition for Xtreme gamers or a secondary games machine. There are loads of them, quite a few are posted in a sticky in the Appz section. Hope it helped
Answer #5
TinyXP is the way to go IMO
Answer #6
Never tried them, but i have VMWare so i will now try them
Answer #7
eXPerience Beast Edition is easily the best and most stable of them(imho anyway). Its just a shame that the printspooler and networking has been removed. I’d use it all the time otherwise.
Answer #8
then which version of tiny xp is the best?
Answer #9
I used them all and sure they look great but the trade of is they all run sluggish for some reason and one thing or another gets out of whack. Now I just use pure XP with the “Royale” theme.
Answer #10
so anyone got a good os to recommend?
Answer #11
I’ve installed a lot of OS but I always go back to Tiny Xp Rev05, I’m going to install it tomorrow
Answer #12
i’ve heard that tiny xp has print spooler service remobed. could you fix this just by re-enabling it in services.msc?
Answer #13
i've heard that tiny xp has print spooler service remobed. could you fix this just by re-enabling it in services.msc?
I would think so but my friend is the one that does that for me, I’ll ask him
Answer #14
alright. but anyone got another os to recommmend?
Answer #15
tiny xp platinum edition 2, tiny xp beast edition has just had too much ripped out of it, so much so that some games dont run on it.
Answer #16
so platinum edition 2 is the best tiny xp version?
Answer #17
and how is rev 6? there ar3e just too many different ones out there.
Answer #18
anyone know what the best version of xp is?


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