Pizza Business

April 6th, 2020

Hello, Today I have quite the unusual set of questions. This forum is mostly technology related but I’ve been here long enough that there are some good Samaritans willing to help a friend out.
Im directing this question to people that know about setting up a business in the UK.
My friend and I wanted to set up a pizza shop in our City.
Could you please direct me to where I should go to find all the answers that I need. About self employment and all the taxing. I tried google but there is only so far my own knowledge can get me. Also are there any authorities that can help me and give me all the information like a county council or something similar. If there is anyone experienced with self employment or someone who knows how to move forward with this idea I would be very grateful.

Answer #1
I’m no expert in this field but I would thought the Citizens Advice Bureau is a good place to start…
Answer #2
Its just a business there should be heaps of information about setting one up , if you can make a good pizza you will do well so many are greasy flat soggy mess .
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Answer #3
The problem is not starting the business on the bureaucracy side. The real problem is creating a situation in which people should choose your activity instead of the countless others. There are counseling center for business managed by the city office. They will tell you everything that you need in term of legal requirements. Obviously you can’t open a business alone. You need other agencies for different steps.


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