Overclocking and Lifetime

November 4th, 2013

I have overclcked my Ati 5650 Mobility,
not a huge overclock but helped me so much and incredebly helped with games,
from 500-850 to 540 and 940…
the thing is that i ran the stress test, was gaming for 3hours and the temperatures are great…
they increased just for 2 degrees Celsium i think and the max temp. I gained during gaming was 65…and thats a good temperature for GPU…
My question is, will it somehow kill the lifetime of the gpu?
I know im doing it on my own risk but I was wondering if its somehow bad at all.

Answer #1
You can’t measure the voltage regulator temperatures.
So the overclock is meaningless, once the regulator gives up.
You’d have a dead card anyway.
FYI: Most regulators run hotter than the GPU.
Overclocking on a laptop = you’ve got cash to burn (a terrible idea).
Answer #2
so its terrible idea to overclock laptop if the temperatures are good?
And there is no way to measure voltage?
Answer #3
sw. replied: so its terrible idea to overclock laptop if the temperatures are good?
And there is no way to measure voltage?

The voltage regulator is what’s keeping your GPU’s power stability in check.
Remember there are other heat sources and regulators for other components.
Answer #4
Just run it at stock. the overclock isn’t going to give you a good performance boost in games. perhaps 1fps here and there.
Answer #5
mate after the overclocking i am more than happy…unbelievable fps boost ..10+
and the temps are great… i dunno
Answer #6
Yes you might get a boost in some games and in other games, it just doesn’t make any difference.
There are other factors, CPU bound games and such.
Answer #7
so im destroying the laptop? there i sno way to overclock with no risk?
Answer #8
sw. replied: so im destroying the laptop? there i sno way to overclock with no risk?
Risk?, your running a component past its specified ratings, it voids warranty.
Of course there is risk, why do you think companies don’t usually like you overclocking their components.
Answer #9
My question is, will it somehow kill the lifetime of the gpu? Unless you adjust voltages beyond the specifications it wont matter. Degradation occurs whether you’re running it stock or overclocked. There is no way around this. That’s why products have a lifespan.
Answer #10
and how to adjust this voltage?
Answer #11
You’re misunderstanding. I’m saying not to adjust voltages beyond specifications. If you haven’t played with them already then you’re fine.
Answer #12
Sometimes GPU voltages are adjustable in Bios or an overclocking App.
But seeing as all is working OK for you..Don’t touch them as this will put the bits under more strain!
Answer #13
-paroxysM^ replied: You're misunderstanding. I'm saying not to adjust voltages beyond specifications. If you haven't played with them already then you're fine.yea,sorry bro amateur here…so what you are saying is, i should leave as it is and be happy with the current overclock as the temp. are fine?
cause i found so much about this 5650 mobility card, and how everybody is overclocking this card far harder than i am.
btw thanks a lot for all your replies guys


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