Office 2010 – KMS activator problems

January 20th, 2020

Hi guys n gals
I currently use office 2010 activated with the KMS solution.
I understand that this gives me a permanent 30 day trial.
On all my PC`s this continues to work flawlessly (as of now anyway)(and has done for approx. 12 months thanks lionheart!)
I kindly installed this on my fathers rig at the same time.
He is complaining that he is getting messages saying his trial is nearly up (14days to go)
anyone know what could have gone wrong for him? he lives 300miles away and it will be a month before I see him….
could it be his AV? – he uses free avg and I know its just had a major update
….all ideas gladly received

Answer #1
Distance is no reason to not provide support – use TeamViewer
I doubt it’s his AV but avoid updates to Office as well. You might want to consider the VL edition by ZWTISO. Also, KMS activation should work for 6 months at a time
Answer #2
Thanks for the reply……
however I am confused, I have the same “package” on all my PC`s (4)
I apply any and all updates and have no problems whatsoever (yet?!?)
I was rather hoping for guidance on:-
…what has gone wrong
…can it be fixed
I can/will happily use another “package” if necessary when I next visit, so thanks for the tip
BUT is there anyway I can sort this now even if it is “remotely”????
Answer #3
You have to log on to the remote computer and see what the issue is. I assume his activation is not working, so you need to activate…
Answer #4
To rule out the possibility of the AV coming in the way, use TeamViewer to log into the remote machine and temporarily disable the AV. Run the activator and see if that does the trick.
Answer #5
Ok – managed to get him to “read” the KMS log
apparently the last “date” of “success” is last year(?)
last line mentions an error – oxcoo4f074 – case may be incorrect
googling this error code is inconclusive ?!?
his virus vault is empty ?!?
going to try and talk him through “logmein” otherwise he is stuck until I can get to “visit”
…..thanks so far everyone
Answer #6
KMS gives you 180 days not 30. Use OSPP.VBS to diagnose the problem
Answer #7
…more info now available OK task scheduler lists Auto KMS as active including activity today 14/04/2013
AVG exceptions list includes AutoKMS
trolling through C/Windows/KMS on my machines gives 3 entries one of which is the application allowing you to manually reset the clock
on my fathers machine the application is missing?????????????
apparently it is working……
but is it?
he still gets the pop-up box counting down to oblivion (12 days left)
any ideas?
Oh and @ please explain what is OSPP.VBS and thanks for the reply
Answer #8
Its a command line tool to activate office located in your office directory. But first have you verified that you have a firewall exception for port 1688 or whatever port autokms uses ? That is most probably your issue aftwords you can activate with cscript $Office14X86 /sethst:
 cscript $Office14X86 /act
 cscript $Office14X86 /remhst

Where $Office14X86 is your ospp.vbs path
Answer #9
Ok – I just about understand what you said (I think)
could I trouble you for a more simple explanation
he uses a BT router – will I have to access that? if so how?
I am getting on a bit these days and my father is nearly 80 – he has no chance of reliably using code!
I suppose what I mean is where will I find a step by step idiots guide to this…..
if his office suite will continue to work in 13 days time but with issues then maybe all this should wait?
Answer #10
I use the Office 2010 Volume Edition with the Mini-KMS Activator 1.053 running as a Windows service which re-activates every 6 months. Consider getting the Volume edition of Office 2010, you’ll save a lot of activation headaches.
Answer #11
As others have said, firstly you need to download teamviewer from Send your dad an email with a link as he needs to download it too.
Once you’ve installed it on your computer (PC or mac it works on both) then walk your dad through the install over the phone. When it’s installed on both machines, all you have to do is type in his ID and password and you will have control of his pc. TaDa…… Long distance support for you loved ones without the frustrations!! It’s fab and free for non profit use.
Answer #12
Thanks everyone……….
I have been reading through “Mydigitallife” forum about this
I understand that I am not alone, I also understand that my fathers office suite will not disappear when time is up
I am reasonably used to “logmein” having used it before – it is also free
I am hoping to avoid having to do this – after all it may yet re-arm itself! – you never know!!!!
I certainly want to avoid having remote access to his PC for obvious reasons
Answer #13
– how you ever heard of Toolkit 2.2.3. It is posted on this site. You just have to run the damn thing to get 180 days. Your virus program may pick it up. I kept the program in a folder and then told Norton to ignore this folder at all times. I also told Norton to ignore the running of C:\Windows\kmsemulator.exe. There is an option where you can choose AUTOKMS or perhaps KMSAUTO and this will simply keep it set to 180 days. There is a nice log where you can see what is taking place each day. I used this on several PC’s until I started moving to Office 2013. If any interest, you can get back or PM me.


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