nooby help

August 5th, 2016

hey guys-just a simple question- direct d/l single links vs several bits of files- whats the difference?

Answer #1
Well if your one single file was to accidentally be canceled, you’ll have to start all again. If it’s in parts, just redownload the part. Also if the single file is corrupt you’ll have to redownload it again, if it’s parts, you just download the specific part then.
Answer #2
As well as the above
Uploaders can split the files because some hosts don’t allow above a certain size… say 200 mb. Also if users do not have an account with that particular host they are still allowed to download the smaller files one by one.
Essentially then the difference between the end result of downloading one file or several parts is basically nothing!
Answer #3
thanks guys for the info- i was wondering if it was for i guess- making it harder for the eyes watching us all the time?
cheers fellas- great site!!


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