New system Build

December 21st, 2013

i7:2600k 3.4
Cooler Master Haf x nvidia
Asus maxim IV gene-2
G Skill Ripjaws X 16gb
Samsung 470 series
Sony Bluray burner
Antec Kuhler H20 920
Evga gtx 560
Corsair 850 tx
New year system any advice.

Answer #1
Get at least a GTX 570 GPU man, and maybe go with the AX series PSU.
EDIT: Next year? Sandy Bridge-Extreme processor suppose to debut by the end of this year, and Ivy Bridge, it is suppose to come out the first half of next year.
Answer #2
You want advice now on a computer you plan on building…next year?
Answer #3
Answer #4
This question makes no sense,Technology is always evolving and surely there will be better hardware by the time you’ll actually buy it.
Ask again a week or two before,Til then it’s pointless.
Answer #5
Roberto400 replied: This question makes no sense,Technology is always evolving and surely there will be better hardware by the time you'll actually buy it.
Ask again a week or two before,Til then it's pointless.

just popped in to say this but looks like you got there first. so ill just say.


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