Looking to buy cheap domain name/hosting
August 3rd, 2013
Domains are registered for a minimum of one year, at $10 for a .com and $1 for a .info
Hosting Starts at about 3-4 bucks a month.
If it is for learning purposes, I recommend you getting a cheap VPS for about $4-8 a month.
If your a total amateur, then shared hosting is probably a better place to start!
1and1 would probably be a good place to start:
You can get your domain where ever you want, but will have to configure the name servers. Namecheap is an alternative for domains.
was thinking about this, with the 1cent coupon.
conflictsoul replied: was thinking about this, with the 1cent coupon.
Hostgator should pretty good, I just started working for them, so I don’t know much about them yet, but I am one of their Linux System Administrators