Looking to buy a laptop – recommendations?

July 31st, 2013

Looking to buy a laptop for uni. Any recommendations
Will be used for basic everyday things like ms word, xcel etc.
Will prolly have alot of windows open too.
Im not too sure which laptops are reliable and which are not

Answer #1
just for ur basic needs..
u can find n number of laptops available..
as u gonna use more ram n mem usage..
jus make sure u have right processor n ram size..
i3 or better with 2gb ram or more will suit ur needs..
as for clock speed 2.4 ghz or above wud be useful..
n company – it purely depends on how much u can afford [ toshiba, dell, sony, acer]..
dell n acer has many range of student laptops.. u can choose from them..
u have to give more details than these..
so tat we can guide u precisely..
Answer #2
for your need just get a netbook for $230/$250 of ebay brand new
Answer #3
What course are you studying? Courses requiring specific apps later down the track may need a more powerful setup.
Answer #4
Pretty much everything made today is reliable, especially for basic applications for what you mentioned. You will just need to know what exactly you want, need and willingly to cash out. Don’t need to spend more then 250.00 on what essentially your parameters are mentioning. consider screen size, weight adaptability, color, cd drive or not etc
OS- win7 x86
integrated graphics
2g mem
250 hd or even SSD
ethernet port or wireless network adapter
13″ or smaller screen
ebay or craigslist best bet, people are using smart phones and tablets now.
Answer #5
i recommend hp, my girl bought one for 800 about a year ago and its the best
toshiba sucks imo but acer is ok far as i know, I have no idea about dell or sony or compaq(do they still make compaq?)
Answer #6
1. How much is the max you are willing to spend? (you didn’t state that)
2. New/Used/Refurbished? or all the above?
3. Screen size/resolution preference if any?
4. other preferences such as HDD? 10key? Biometrics, etc.
Answer #7
Answer #8
Lenovo (used to be IBM)
Answer #9
HP Pavilion DV7
I’ve bought one last year and I’m 100% satisfied with it. I highly recommend it.
Answer #10
toshiba or sony


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