Linux Mint Issue

August 7th, 2016

I have a netbook. It’ was gifted from a friend who doesn’t use it anymore.
I got rid of all the partitions and installed Linux Mint accordingly.
Due to me only have 1 gb pen drive and the netbook having no access to cd rom i used Linux Mint – Maya
So the whole installation process went well except at the end it asked me about boot loader. I pretty much clicked on the ‘recommended’ setting.
However now i can’t seem to ‘boot up’.
When i boot up it shows the samsung screen (Samsung n145 Plus) and then shows a black screen with a _
Im wondering if someone know what is happening and whether they could help – step by step would be very much appreciated ^.^
Thank you

Answer #1
since you havent provide much info, you can try boot-repair tool:


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