Kindle Question Please – okay to sync after putting .mobi fi

September 1st, 2013

Hi Guys.
A newbie question really. Got a kindle for Christmas and have downloaded some books in .mobi format from here and put them on. Juat a question, is it okay to sync my Kindle with my amazon account whilst these books are on the Kindle, or will it cause me problems. i was unsure whether Amazon would be able to detect books that they had no record of me buying.
Sure the answer is obvious, just dont want to risk my kindle (or amazon account).
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
I have just added books downloaded from here into the documents folder on my kindle and done a sync and looks fine
Answer #2
Thanks GSrider.
I’ve got one book on so will sync and see what happens. i must admit, i didn’t think it would matter, as you can put pdf’s on there etc. without it affecting it so, i imagine it is the same with the .mobi files.
Thanks for your help.


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