Help with posting a topic on the tutorials section

August 22nd, 2023

Hello. I have a photography course i think many would like to download. Are there any guide lines to posting here in the tutorials section? Besides the General guidelines?
Also, is it allowed to upload the files to websites like sharecash, or other websites like this? And is there a way to post the files there and be safe from them(the website where i bought it) finding out? Just asking, never done this before.

Answer #1
Sharecash is a spam site that does surveys, so isn’t allowed here. You will need to use other hosts.
Surveys of any kind aren’t allowed.
Answer #2
What about Or Wupload? Do you have anything else to recommend ?
Answer #3
DF would be allowed, but not sure it’s a good host for free. Isn’t Wupload dead and buried. Try BU, 180upload,FD,SKS
Those are good free hosts, if you’re more interested in sharing. Not sure if RG and UL would be restricted to you or not.
Answer #4
Ul and RG would be restricted for him bud wupload lol thats gone nearly 3yrs now so it is if im thinking rightly deposit isnt really that good for free users either
Answer #5
Go to Link Heaven and check out the Sticky topics.
There is a list there of sites you can upload to and ones you can’t.
As said though, new posters are not allowed to use UL or RG….AFAIK


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