Help with laptop / adding new hard drive

November 20th, 2013

hi i have a emashines e625 laptop “yes its old lol its just been laying around” i decided to add a new and larger HD to it..but when i put it in..nothing / total black screen..i can go into bios thats it wont boot from disc either
now my old HD that was in there works fine..i can pop it in / out and works is a hitachi 80gb “very small” and with the same OS “win 7 basic”
so i decided to put a OS on the new HD via PC / desktop “win 7 basic” fine “on the desktop” i put it in the laptop..still black screen and wont boot from OS disk
here i am with new a HD with an OS on it but it still wont work in this laptop..whats the deal?can any1 help?
yes CD is burned correctly
yes the HD is compatible with the laptop
yes i have BIOs setup correctly ..or so i soppose
the new HD cant be bad because like i on the desktop with OS on it
someone help! …oh BIOS is phenix if that matters

Answer #1
Make sure the boot priority is set to boot from the CD/DVD drive – also as I’m assuming you burnt it to a DVD so make sure your laptop uses a DVD-ROM or RW drive.
Also, try removing the HDD then booting from the DVD, to see if the HDD is causing the problem.
Check the BIOS to see if the HDD is recognised by the system at all and make sure the HDD is enabled as a boot device.
Answer #2
As CaptainClaw stated above: make sure the boot priority/order is set to CD/DVD THEN HDD.
Have you made sure the CD/DVD is working? Try running it from another computer and seeing what happens (it won’t hurt loading it up). Can you run a Linux live CD on it?
Answer #3
so i decided to put a OS on the new HD via PC / desktop "win 7 basic" fine "on the desktop"
will never boot, diff hardware than the desktop
will the DVD boot the lappy with no hard drive in it ?
do you have a “boot menu” F key on the boot screen where you can select the DVD directly
Answer #4
i have tryd removeing the HD and just runing the CD in the DVD luck same result..iv even tryd doing it the reverse way
yes priority is set right DVD / CD drive then HD ..iv even tryed it the reverse way..still same results
altho when no HD is in a i try to boot from DVD / CD drive it say ” no operating system found” over and over ..i do it the other way..i just get black screen
i can hear / feel the HD running and the same for the DVD /CD drive…maybe something is dead inside / shrug?
@edwoodweb i thought that should work i had done it before i think..i can do the same with my old HD from my laptop..i think.. its been awhile i maybe mistaken
hmm i didnt think it mattered if it was DVD or RW thought they were one of the same..i’ll try that later and check back..bbl gotta watch kentucky basketball!
Answer #5
gotta watch kentucky basketball!
I’ve never heard of John Calipari but I know where kentucky is
Answer #6
justincredible6 replied:
hmm i didnt think it mattered if it was DVD or RW thought they were one of the same..i'll try that later and check back..bbl gotta watch kentucky basketball!

It doesn’t – I just wanted to make sure you weren’t trying to read a DVD in a CD drive.
Try using an external DVD drive – you may find your current internal one is broken.
Answer #7
Check to see if the bios supports the size of the HD. Also, I have run into a problem with different drives in the past not being compatible with existing hardware such as CD/DVD roms and jumper settings. If the bios supports the drive and the right drivers are on the drive in the start up files try unhooking the rom drive and see if it works then…..
Answer #8
@captainclaw its not the i said before everything works fine like it should when the other HD is in ..its flat out about to throw this POS emashines out the window lol ..oh and no external DVD drive =(
Answer #9
maybe ill download a lite older OS and try that..altho it shouldnt matter seeing that the old HD has the same OS as the new one im trying to install..but who knows
i’ll report back


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