GF problem

October 28th, 2022

basically, me and a girl are in love. I’ve asked her out and she wants to wait and see what Im like at school, if I’d blank her etc.
Im a nice guy (most of the time), but Im quiet and shy/timid in real life, just how I am.
she wants to kiss, hold hands in school but Im not up for that. I like to keep all these things private and personal between the two of us, I dont like to hug and crap in school.
anything out of school, lovely.
edit: now she’s being an arse with me.

Answer #1
If she fails to understand that you dont enjoy public displays of affection and you have tried to explain this to her , then thats a definite issue between you both , sometimes we have to bend a bit to compromise with each other , so in other words maybe you can relax a little bit more towards holding her hand and she can try to understand a bit more your point of view , bottom line is if you really like this girl , you should maybe consider loosening up a bit , you will gain your confidence by being yourself , and yes sometimes we have to increase our balls/bravery to succeed.Saying that i wish you luck.
edited: I type with my face
Answer #2

threeothree wrote: Select all

If she fails to understand that you dont enjoy public displays of affection and you have tried to explain this to her , then thats a definite issue between you both , sometimes we have to bend a bit to compromise with each other , so in other words maybe you can relax a little bit more towards holding her hand and she can try to understand a bit more your point of view , bottom line is if you really like this girl , you should maybe consider loosening up a bit , you will gain your confidence by being yourself , and yes sometimes we have to increase our balls/bravery to succeed.Saying that i wish you luck.
edited: I type with my face
Amen to that, brother
Answer #3
thanks mate, im just not confident IN school, out Im fine Ill do anything, it’s just school. I don’t known why, but I dont know what to do. She’ll go out with me, but she wants to see what Im like in school.
Answer #4
I wont quote myself to your sir , but i can only re itterate toy ou , being yourself you weillfind yourself , really and truely ,i know i felt great when i was walking hand in hand with my girl , i felt great and confidence brimming too , i know you will be the same , she has to understand also that you are there to study and not to act romantic even i understand that , just dont overthink it and as long as your school work doesnt suffer , you have lost nothing , all your friends will be green with envy woot woot
Answer #5
I’ve been in this situation before , you knwo what I literally did?
I said to myself “You know what?”, and then put my arm around her.
At the end of the day, your both affectionate to eachother, so no matter what you do, she wants it. And if your worried about what others think, then who cares about them? Its your life.
Hope I helped.
Answer #6
I've been in this situation before , you knwo what I literally did?
I said to myself "You know what?", and then put my arm around her.
Hope I helped.

Wise words well said
Answer #7
But I like to hang around with friends, rather than girls at SCHOOL, out of school fine.
Answer #8
You need to make a compromise, such as 1 day with her, 1 day with mates.
But make sure your not going to her all of the time, make sure you rotate on going to eachother
Answer #9
Most schools don’t allow PDAs anyway.
Answer #10
Hi, I’m probably a lot older than most on this board, I can see your confused, feeling timid, all I can tell you is, be yourself.everyone has their own values..
I can still remember what peer pressure was like, half of the school jealous the other half ridiculing
talk to her quietly, dont get upset, never shout… never ever discuss what you and her do sexually/ romantically with your friends…………….its a long road you travel and you have to walk it true to yourself, if you break still have self respect and you will ( I promise) one day find someone who shares your values. there is a great deal of lack of respect these days. By my own mistake I made my wife my whole life, so when we divorced,I felt like I had nothing left……………… theres an old saying………..leave unto the Lord that which is his, leave that unto Caesar which is Ceasers’………………….btw I think your is for learning..not for manking around in corridors….good luck
Answer #11
yeah same, but I am acting myself, quiet and shy. Ill do anything outside of school, but I think she wants everyone to know that we go out, and make like a massive fuss, kissing etc in the playground.
I wanna spend as much time with my friends as possible because I hardly go out with them now.
Answer #12
well, what grade are you in?
Answer #13
Year 10. I have 1 year left at school after this.
Answer #14
Lol you end in Year 11? Damn we go to Year 12. Now consider how important she is to you. But what do you do with your friends? Maybe you can spend some time with her at recess and your friends at lunch. Or introduce each other i.e GF to friends and Vice Versa
Answer #15
You should stop being shy and hold her in public.