Forum View

March 8th, 2017

This is the way I see this forum.
Windows 8.1 IE 11
How can I fix this?
Please remember to double check that all your links have been coded. #3.10 links must be coded - including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords and internal links.

Answer #1
I got it, I am on a surface pro 3 and had to change to mobile. Then I couldn’t post so now I have it on setting 2.
Please do not double post, -
#3.7 I It is forbidden to double post on the board. It means that you are not allowed to reply twice in a row in any topic. Use the edit button when altering your reply if you're the last to post in the topic.

Answer #2
Please use other image hosting..tinypic is banned on this forum..
Possibly security software..Or some browser addon..
Are you using a proxy?
Did you try a different browser?
Answer #3
Sorry about that.
I am using bit defender and no addons, no proxy
I have not yet tried a different browser.
Other forums I go to work.
Answer #4
Also, I tried to change it to mobile and it looked normal, but I could not post. Now using WBB2 and it all works, but I would prefer to use WBB3 if it looks normal.
And sorry,I do not have a delete or edit option in WBB3, but now I came back as WBB2 and can edit, but not delete.
Please bare with me till I get this solved.


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