dual booting vista and xp problem

August 5th, 2016

Hi, I installed xp on a new partition and did everything from the guide i found (using vistabootPro) to install both xp and vista.. Vista starts fine but when i start it in xp it goes to a black screen immediatly that says “windows failed to boot..” etc etc etc then says File: \ntldr
Status: 0xc000000e
Any ideas? REALLY need both OS’s to work…. thanks a bunch to anyone that can help!

Answer #1
you need to rebuild the boot loader. there are articles on microsoft.com to step you through. there are a few of them to take into account differant configurations, so you’ll need to read a few of them to find the one that suits. Sorry that i’m not more help but can only point you in a direction that will take hours of reading.
Answer #2
yeah i cant find anything on microsofts site….
Answer #3
Use VMWare, it lets you duel-boot OS’s easily.
Answer #4
Isnt VMWare just like an emulator that lets you load an operating system while in another? so i would like open xp in a window? im looking to completely dual boot….
Answer #5
So is there a way to like…move all my stuff onto xp, delete vista, then reinstall vista AFTER XP? from what i have read, its infinitally easier to install vista after xp is already there…. any ideas? couldn’t I just make my xp partition the majority of the hard drive and move all my stuff to it, then when i reinstall vista just drag and drop it back into the vista partition?


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