Can you use a iphone 4 with out a data plan?

August 16th, 2013

i have a iphone 3g and never have had a data plan, i want a iphone 4 but not sure if they upgraded something so you cant avoid it anyone know?
Answer #1
what country u in?
Answer #2
Answer #3
Depends on your carrier. I am with AT&T and all smartphones have to have a smartphone plan (data plan).
Check with your carrier to see what their terms and conditions are.
Answer #4
If you upgrade, you will be required to add a data plan regardless of which carrier you’re with.
If you buy it outright from eBay, Craigslist, etc…then your carrier will automatically add a data plan once the phone is recognized on your account.
Answer #5
yeah not trying to go to my carrier with it, on my 3g ive been fine just with the data off. but im curious if anyone knows if the 4 is any different.
Answer #6
Why would you get a $300 phone if you didn’t use it for data?
Just get an iPod Touch.
Answer #7
have one its an inconvenience to carry around two things.
Answer #8
Ive never heard of a carrier that didnt require a data plan for a smart phone.
Answer #9
No you don’t need a data plan to use any kind of smartphone. Although it defeats the purpose of having one.
Answer #10
AT&T Now requires a Data Plan with any smartphone (iPhone). I believe Verizon does too. Even if you have an account without a Data Plan and then transfer your Sim Card to a Smartphone, AT&T Recognizes the smartphone and automatically adds the Data Plan to your account. I’m currently researching a way around this.
If anyone knows of a way around this, please reply. I’m trying to have an iPhone with just Text and Minutes, and No Data plan, because can use WiFi for all apps and internet usage. Data Plan is a waste of $$$.


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