Can I replace a back cover on a cell phone?

August 4th, 2013

Can I replace a back cover on my cell phone cuz it broke? Or do I need a new cell?
Answer #1
which Phone and model?
Answer #2
Verizon Samsung
Answer #3
all Facial available in market. just your set model no put in google and you can see many website for buy facial. also contact nearest samsung service center. no need to whole phone change.
Answer #4
Just look on E-bay for replacement back cover
Answer #5
Do you put the cover on top of the broke cover or take the cover off and put the new one on?
Answer #6
JamesC23 replied: Do you put the cover on top of the broke cover or take the cover off and put the new one on?

Are you for real? I can’t believe what you just asked… LOL!
Answer #7
JamesC23 replied: Do you put the cover on top of the broke cover or take the cover off and put the new one on?
you glue the new one on top of old one and put it in owen for 10 mins on 300° so they can melt together in one solid back cover
dooh ofc you put off the old one >,>
Answer #8
Trolls. Don’t feed them.
Answer #9
-paroxysM^ replied: Trolls. Don't feed them.
James is one hell of a troll!
Answer #10
Hahahahaha epic!!!
Answer #11
i prefer the iron on covers myself.


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