200mb Rapidshare point.

August 7th, 2016

1 question guys…
When a free user download my 200mb file, do I get 1 Rapidshare point or 2 Rapidshare point?
Thanks in advance…

Answer #1
you get 1 point per file download
Answer #2
Only one mate.
It will be added to your account as soon as he’s downloading if he’s doing it as a Free User, but at the end of the day if he’s a Premium User.
Answer #3
1 point could be genrated when a free user downloads ur file only 1, if it is 100mb file u will get 1 point if it is 5mb file u will get 1 point, from 5mb to 200mb files u will get only 1 point…
Answer #4
Thanks for the answer guys…


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