? about making 3 partitions using gparted

August 5th, 2016

I want to make 3 partitions using gparted. I want 2 partitions for separate Windows OS and the 3rd partition to store all my data such as music & movies etc.
So for the first two partitions do I make them both primary partitions as NTFS then make the 3rd partition as one big extended partition with one logical partition inside it as NTFS ?

Answer #1
can’t you just take your wanted # of GBs from C:\ and make 3 different drive letters like E:\ F:\ and G:\? when i wanted to make a partition from C:\ and make a D:\ i just chose # of GBs from C:\ and made it with Partition Magic. also just be sure to backup your data. i can’t count the # of times i’ve/and helped other people who have deleted their boot file partitioning and having to spend hours trying to fix their boot load menu.
Answer #2
If its for Windows, why not use Windows CD for that? Wouldnt that be simpler since all partitions will be NTFS? If you will have Windows 7, use Windows 7 disc to create partitions, even if you plan to dual boot with XP. You should not use XP to create partition for W7, W7 will not like it and you will get corrupted data errors later. You can also use Acronis. Or built in feature in Windows to resize partitions and create new ones. Doesnt matter which one you set as primary, if you have dual boot menu you will have to choose which OS to boot from either way.
Answer #3
you can use up to 3 primary partitions per drive so just make them all primary
Partition Magic.
DO NOT use this program, it’s old and error prone, especially for resizing


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