Bad Bios Checksum?

January 22nd, 2020

I think i had a virus and now it says bad bios checksum.
any help?

Answer #1
Flash BIOS (you can also do that by replacing jumper on motherboard, turn on and off and then take back jumper) or change settings to default (also in BIOS)!
Answer #2
could you be more specific or maybe more detailed?
Answer #3
could you be more specific or maybe more detailed?
Turn OFF computer
Open case
Find Jumper on motherboard ( it’s near battery ), replace it in other position, turn PC ON (it wont turn or it will but you won’t see a thing), wait few seconds, turn it OFF by holding power button, then take back jumper in first position and turn it on Smile
Or… Go in BIOS and choose to load default settings, then F10 and ENTER, computer will restart!
One more thing, what motherboard you have!?
Answer #4
Refer to this guide:

I think i had a virus and now it says bad bios checksum.

It couldn’t have possibly been caused by a virus,It’s more
likely that the bios battery has gone bad or that
it’s a motherboard problem,Check if it has bad capacitors:
Flash BIOS (you can also do that by replacing jumper on motherboard, turn on and off and then take back jumper) or change settings to default (also in BIOS)!
That’s a bit off,Flashing refers to updating it with a newer
version,What your refering to is resetting and he has
to move the jumper to a certain position,Not replace the
existing one,Also all of this is useless if the power
cord isn’t removed first.


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